Feature: force a relayout/update from script

FlexBuilder is deeply integrated with core Unity and will automatically relayout whenever it needs to. In 95% of cases you won't need to think about this - FlexBuilder and Unity will handle it. But there are still a few cases where the changes can't be detected automatically (typically because Unity is missing the required callbacks) ... Read more

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Best practices for high performance when using FlexBuilder via script

The main thing to bear in mind when aiming for performance is that FlexBuilder will always default to "doing the right thing" -- which may be a lot slower than necessary. For instance: if you write a script that adds 100 FlexItems to a FlexContainer, FlexBuilder will automatically re-run the layout algorithm ... 100 times. ... Read more

Categories FAQ

Problem: CACHE_STRATEGY is too agressive

When building flexible UI in Unity3D you may sometimes see this message on the Unity console: FlexBuilder: Your CACHE_STRATEGY is too aggressive! - Cache contained an object Unity had already destroyed TL;DR: quickest solution If you just want to make the warning go away then you can safely comment-out the line of code that produces ... Read more

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